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How to write to single shared file in multi-threaded scenario

The problem is as follows: during multiple-symbol Scan (or any other multi-threaded Analysis operation) we want to create a single, shared file and append content generated from multiple symbols to it.

There are two things that we must consider if we are running in multiple treaded scenario.
1. If we want to get just single-run results, before appending content to the file, we need first to delete file generated in previous runs.

2. We have to take care to open the file in share-aware mode so multiple threads do not write at the same time (preventing corruption).

A sample formula is presented below.

// our scanning code
Buy CrossMACD(), Signal() );

filepath "C:\\ScanExport.txt";

Status("stocknum") == )
// delete previous file before anything else
fdeletefilepath );

// open file in "share-aware" append mode
fh fopenfilepath"a"True );

// proceed if file handle is correct
if ( fh )
lastbuyDT =  LastValueValueWhenBuyDateTime() ) ) ;

// write to file
fputsName() +", Last Buy: " DateTimeToStrlastBuyDT ) +"\n"fh );

// close file handle
fclosefh );
_TRACE("Failed to open the file");

One important thing to remember is that in multi-threaded environment threads execute independently and there is no guarantee they will all execute sequentially, so the order of items (symbols) in the file may not be alphabetical.

If we want strictly sequential execution, then we must limit ourselves to just running in single-thread. A single-thread execution in New Analysis window can be achieved by placing the following pragma call at the top of the formula.

#pragma maxthreads 

#pragma maxthreads limits the number of parallel threads used by New Analysis window. This command is available in AmiBroker version 6 or higher.

How to combine multiple databases into one

In order to combine data stored in two separate databases within a single database we may consider one of the following options:


First of the possible ways is to export data from one database into CSV files using the procedure presented here:

Once we have our quotations exported into text files, we can load the other database and use built in ASCII importer to import data. The detailed procedure is outlined in the following Knowledge Base Article:


Another way of combining the databases is to copy the individual symbols files. Each database stores individual data files within 0-9,a-z,”_” subfolders and it is possible to copy the individual data files between databases. When copying, we need to maintain the same folder pattern and copy symbols from “a” subfolder of one database into “a” subfolder of the other database (the same for other folders), so each of the symbols would land in its respective folder.

After we copy the data files, we also need to delete broker.master file from the target database folder. This is because this file stores pre-generated symbol list used for fast loading. When we delete the file, it will be reconstructed based on information from individual data files.

More information about the database structure can be found in the manual:

How to copy backtest trade list to a spreadsheet

There are several ways to transfer the backtest results to a spreadsheet.

  1. Immediately after the test we can just click on the results list with right mouse button and choose Copy from the menu. It is also possible to click on the results and use Ctrl+C key shortcut.

    Copy Trade List

    The operation will copy the entire list, so there is no need to select all rows manually.

  2. After the test, we can also use File->Export option from the main program menu to export the results list to a CSV or HTML file, which could be opened from Excel later on.

    Export Trade List

  3. Backtest results are also accessible through the Report Explorer:

    Backtest Report Explorer

    In order to open detailed report for the particular test it is enough to double-click on the selected line. Then, after we navigate to Trade List page, to copy the results, the best option to use is Edit->Copy Table

    Copy Table

    Unlike the regular Copy option, Copy Table transforms HTML tables into CSV format and copies it into clipboard so tables can be pasted easily to Excel. Also it divides Entry/Exit columns into separate Entry/exit date/price columns.

How to export quotes to separate text files per symbol

The following KB article: already explained how to use exploration to export quotes into a single text / CSV file.

If, for some reason, we need individual files for each symbol, AmiBroker offers another way of writing data to text files. This can be achieved by using fputs function that would write directly to external files. Using fputs allows us also to fully control formatting of the output data and file naming can be dynamically set based on Name() function output.

To perform the export procedure, we need to run a Scan over the list of symbols we want to export data for.

In the Analysis->Formula Editor please enter the following code:

// create folder for exporting purposes
fmkdir"C:\\DataExport\\" );

// open file for writing
// file name depends on currently processed ticker
fh fopen"c:\\DataExport\\" Name() + ".txt""w" );

// proceed if file handle is correct
if ( fh )
dt DateTime();

// write header line
fputs"Ticker,Date/Time,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume\n"fh );

// iterate through all the bars

for ( 0BarCounti++ )
// write ticker name
fputsName() + "," fh );

// write date/time information
fputsDateTimeToStrdt] ) + ","fh );

//write quotations and go to the next line
qs StrFormat"%g,%g,%g,%g,%g\n"O], H], L], C], V] );
fputsqsfh );

// close file handle
fclosefh );
// line required by SCAN option
Buy 0

Now please select Tools->Send to Analysis, select the list of symbols (e.g. Apply To: Filter, pick the watchlist in the Filter dialog), set Range to All Quotations, and press Scan

How to export chart image to a file

Charts can be exported as GIF or PNG files either manually or programmatically.

To export chart image manually, simply use Edit->Image->Export to file menu. Instead of exporting you can also copy the image to Windows clipboard (Edit->Image->Copy As Bitmap – this will copy bitmap image or Edit->Image->Copy As Metafile – this will copy vector/scalable graphic).

In order to export image in programmatic manner (from external program), you can use OLE automation interface described here

Below is a sample JScript code that shows how to use OLE interface from the script:

AB = new ActiveXObject("Broker.Application");
AW AB.ActiveWindow;
AW.ExportImage"C:\\example.gif"640480 ); // 640, 480 are pixel dimension

The code is intended to be used from the outside of AmiBroker.

To use above code follow these steps:

  1. Open Notepad
  2. Copy-paste above the code
  3. Save the file with .JS extension (which means that system will treat this as JScript code)
  4. Make sure that AmiBroker is running with desired chart as active one
  5. Double click on .JS file to execute the JScript code

After doing so, resulting example.gif image file can be found on C: drive.

OLE automation can also be used from any other COM/OLE-aware programs/languages.

How to print result list from Analysis window

As far as backtest results are considered, they can be printed directly from Report Viewer.

Report printing

But sometimes we may want to print just the result list of scan, exploration or optimization. In order to print out the results list from Analysis window it is necessary to store the results list into a file first. This can be achieved by using File->Export HTML/CSV option from the main menu of the program (Export option is available when Analysis window is open):


I recommend saving in HTML format as only then color output will be preserved.

Export as HTML

Once the result list is saved to a HTML file, you can double click on the file to open it with your default web browser. From web browser you can choose Print option.

If you prefer to modify the file prior to printing you can also save the result list in CSV format that can be open with Excel or any other application of your choice.

An alternative solution is to use system clipboard and to copy the results (using Ctrl+C keyboard shortcut or Copy option from the context menu available under right-mouse button), paste to the application like MS Excel for example and printing the results there.

How to export quotations from AmiBroker to CSV file ?

The easiest way to export quotes to CSV file is to use the below formula from Automatic Analysis window:
(Analysis -> Automatic Analysis)