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Text output in Explorations

Explorations allow to display not only numerical data but also text, there are however certain restrictions what can and can’t be displayed in the exploration result list as a text.

AddTextColumn() function allows to display strings, so we can use it for displaying e.g. full name of the symbol or category assignment information:

Filter 1;
AddTextColumnFullName(), "FullName");
AddTextColumnSectorID(1), "Sector");
AddTextColumnIndustryID(1), "Industry");

Exploration Text output

It is worthwhile to note that these strings displayed above do not vary across historical bars. That is important, because there is no such structure in AFL as an ‘array of strings’, therefore an attempt to generate a text, which varies on each bar will not work. Instead a string representing selected array value (or last value) will be displayed.

Let us check such a formula to illustrate the above statement:

condition Close Open;

Filter 1;
AddColumnOpen"Open" );
AddColumnClose"Close" );

// WriteIf returns a SINGLE STRING representing condition at last bar of selected range
text WriteIfcondition"Close above Open""Close below Open" );
// the text variable represents value AT THE LAST BAR of selected range
AddTextColumntext"text" )

If we look at the output over more than one bar, then we can see that the condition from the last bar determines the text output in the column:

Exploration Text output

Therefore, such approach as above can only be used in situations where we run the exploration applied e.g. to 1-Recent bar, because it’s the last bar from the range which determines the text displayed in the column in such situation.

If you want to display the value for other bars than last bar of selected range, you need an extra column, like this:

condition Close Open;

Filter 1;
AddColumnOpen"Open" );
AddColumnClose"Close" );

// WriteIf returns a SINGLE STRING representing condition at last bar of selected range
text WriteIfcondition"Close above Open""Close below Open" );
AddTextColumntext"Last bar text" ); 

// Note that we are now using Ref() function to reference previous bar data
text2 WriteIfRefcondition, -), "Close above Open""Close below Open" );
AddTextColumntext2"Previous bar text" )

You can use functions like Ref() or ValueWhen() to refer to other bar’s data, or you can use array subscript operator like this condition[ 1 ] to get value of condition at bar with index 1.

There is an alternative method to display values that change on bar by bar basis as letters though. Instead of displaying full string we can display single characters in a column using formatChar parameter, as shown in the code below:

Version5.90 ); // only works for version 5.90 and above
Buy CrossMACD(), Signal() );
Sell CrossSignal(), MACD() );

Filter Buy OR Sell;
AddColumnIIfBuy'B''S' ), "Signal"formatChar )

Exploration Text output

Note: If you are using version older than 5.90, you need to use Asc function instead of single-character literals, as shown below:

Buy Cross(MACD(),Signal());
Sell Cross(Signal(),MACD());

Filter Buy OR Sell;
AddColumnIIfBuyAsc("B"), Asc("S")), "Signal"formatChar )

More information about explorations can be found in the manual:

How to add full name to the Price chart title

The full name of the security can be retrieved in AFL using FullName() function.

In order to add such information to the built-in Price chart, we need to do the following:

  1. Click on the chart with right mouse button
  2. Choose Edit Formula from the context menu
  3. Modify the Title definition line, the built-in code contains:_N(Title StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%)",
    OHLCSelectedValueROCC) ) ))

    We need to change it into:

    _N(Title StrFormat("{{NAME}} - " +
    FullName() +
    " - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} " +
    "Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) Vol %.0f",
    OHLCSelectedValueROCC) ), ) )
  4. To apply these changes choose Tools->Apply Indicator from the menu.

If we have Full name information imported into the database and visible in Symbol->Information window, the updated chart title will show it next to the ticker name.

Fullname in the chart title

How to display correlation between symbols

For the purpose of calculating the correlation between two data-arrays, there is a Correlation() function in AFL which can be used.

In order to display a correlation chart, please select Analysis–>Formula Editor menu and enter the following code:

Ticker ParamStr"Symbol"Name() );
range Param"Periods"25225001);

corr CorrelationCloseForeignTicker"C"), range );
Plotcorr"Correlation " Name() + "/" ticker,
ParamColor"Color"colorRed ), ParamStyle"Style"styleLine ) );

// check if different symbols are used
if( ticker == Name() )
Title "Please select different symbol from Parameter dialog"

Now select Tools->Apply Indicator. Initially the code will pick the selected symbol’s Close prices for both arrays, so we either need to change the selected ticker in the chart or the second symbol, which can be defined in Parameters dialog.

We can also use Exploration feature to display a correlation matrix e.g. for the watchlist members. The below example shows the process for Watchlist 0 members.

The formula to display correlation table looks as follows:
// read the list of symbols from Watchlist 0
symlist CategoryGetSymbolscategoryWatchlist);

// display only last bar from the Analysis range
Filter Status"lastbarinrange" );

// iterate through symbols
for ( 0; ( sym StrExtractsymlist) ) != ""i++ )
// calculate correlation over 252 bars
Corr CorrelationCForeignsym"C" ), 252 );

// set color dynamically based on correlation values
    // and display the output in exploration column
Clr 32 SelectedValueCorr ) * 32;
ColorHSB128 Clr255255 ),
ColorHSBClr255255 ) );


To use the formula we need to do the following:

  1. assign some symbols to watchlist 0
  2. select Analysis->Formula Editor menu
  3. in the AFL Editor enter the code listed above
  4. select Tools->Send to Analysis menu
  5. in the Analysis window, select Apply to: Filter (in Include tab hit Clear and pick watchlist 0)

    Filter dialog

  6. select Range: 1 Recent bar (in case of longer range, last bar of the range will be used for output)
  7. press Explore button

Here is a sample output table:

Correlation Matrix

Be careful and try not to put 10000 items in the watch list because it would need to create a table with 10K columns. Windows has some limits on pixel width of the list view and it would truncate display when the display width (scrollable area inside list) exceeds 32767 pixels. That makes it practical only to display matrices of not more than about 1000-2000 columns.

How to restrict trading to certain hours of the day

In order to include time-based conditions in the back-testing code – we can use TimeNum() function to check the time-stamp of given bar and use it as input for any time-based conditions.

In order to code a strategy that triggers trades only in certain hours of the day, 9:30-11:00 in this example, we can use the following approach (code uses simple MACD crossovers to generate signals):

tn TimeNum();
startTime 93000// start in HHMMSS format
endTime 110000;  // end in HHMMSS format
timeOK tn >= startTime AND tn <= endTime;

Buy CrossMACD(), Signal() ) AND timeOK;
Sell CrossSignal(), MACD() ) AND timeOK

It is also possible to force an exit signal after 11:00 to avoid overnight positions:

tn TimeNum();
startTime 93000// start in HHMMSS format
endTime 110000;  // end in HHMMSS format
timeOK tn >= startTime AND tn <= endTime;

Buy CrossMACD(), Signal() ) AND timeOK;
Sell = (CrossSignal(), MACD() ) AND timeOK) OR CrosstnendTime ); 

Handling limit orders in the backtester

In order to simulate limit orders in backtesting it is necessary to check in the code if Low price of the entry bar is below the limit price we want to use. The following example shows an entry signal based on Close price crossing over 100-period simple moving average. The position is opened on the next bar if price drops 1% below the Close of signal bar.

BuySignal CrossCloseMA(Close100 ) );

// buy on the next bar
Buy RefBuySignal, -1);
BuyLimitPrice RefClose, -1) * 0.99;

// now we check if limit was hit
Buy Buy AND BuyLimitPrice;

// if Open price is below the limit, then we use Open for entry
BuyPrice MinOpenBuyLimitPrice )

If we want the order to be valid for more than one bar, then we can use Hold function for this purpose:

BuySignal CrossCloseMA(Close100 ) );

// buy on the next bar
Buy RefBuySignal, -1);
BuyLimitPrice ValueWhen(BuySignalClose) * 0.99;

// now we check if limit was hit
Buy HoldBuy) AND BuyLimitPrice;

// if Open price is below the limit, then we use Open for entry
BuyPrice MinOpenBuyLimitPrice )

In a portfolio-level backtest we usually advocate against using limit orders. Why? Simply because we may not have enough cash in your account to place limit orders for all possible entry candidates. If your trading system generates 100 possible entries, you would need to place 100 limit orders only to find out that eventually only few of them fired. With limited buying power, we may need to place limit orders only for the top N-scored tickers that have generated BuySignal and skip the others. To simulate the situation when we only place small set of limit orders for top ranked stocks we can use new ranking functionalities introduced in AmiBroker 5.70. Knowing the rank at this stage is required if we only want to allow orders for top-scored tickers. Let us say that we prefer symbols with smallest RSI values.

The code would look the following way: Formula first generates a ranking for all tickers included in the test (below example uses Watchlist 0), then when testing individual symbols – checks the pre-calculated rank and generates Buy signal based on that reading.

// we run the code on WatchList 0
List = CategoryGetSymbolscategoryWatchlist);

if ( 
Status("stocknum") == // Generate ranking when we are on the very first symbol
StaticVarRemove"values*" );

     for ( 
0; ( Symbol StrExtract( List, ) )  != "";  n++    )
SetForeign symbol );

// value used for scoring
values 100 RSI();
StaticVarSet (  "values"  +  symbolvalues );
_TRACEsymbol );

StaticVarGenerateRanks"rank""values"01224 );

symbol Name();
values StaticVarGet "values" +  symbol );
rank StaticVarGet "rankvalues" +  symbol );

PositionScore values;

BuySignal CrossCloseMA(Close100 ) );

// buy on the next bar
Buy RefBuySignal, -1);
BuyLimitPrice RefClose, -1) * 0.999;

// now we check if limit was hit for the symbols ranked as top 3
Buy Buy AND BuyLimitPrice AND rank <= 3;
BuyPrice MinOpenBuyLimitPrice );

// sample exit rules - 5 - bar stop
Sell 0;

Detailed description of the ranking functionality used above is available in the manual at:

Using loops with TimeFrame functions

AmiBroker features a powerful set of TimeFrame functions that allow combining different time intervals in single system formula. There is one aspect of TimeFrame functions that is important to understand to properly use them. When we switch to higher interval using TimeFrameSet function – the BarCount does not really change – TimeFrameSet just squeezes the arrays so we have first N-bars filled with Null values (undefined) and then – last part of the array contains the actual time-compressed values. This is explained in details here:

Normally it does not present any problem as long as we use array functions, because array functions check for Nulls occuring at the beginning of the data series and skip them appropriately. The story is different when we try to use loops.

If we want to use looping code in higher time-frame, we can not really start our calculations from the bar 0, because it would contain Null instead of real data. That is why we would first need to detect were the actual compressed data begins and start calculations on that particular bar instead.

Here is a sample formula showing how to compute AMA function in a loop, based on weekly data (the code should be applied in Daily interval). Code will identify the first non-Null bar and initialize the first AMA value with Close of that bar, then it will continue calculations

PlotClose"Close"colorBlack );

// switch to higher timeframe
TimeFrameSetinWeekly );

smooth 0.2;
myAMA Close;

// search for start (non-null) bar
for( start 0start BarCountstart++ )
NOT IsNullClosestart ] ) ) break;

// looping code
for ( start 1BarCounti++ )
// this part will execute only after the first non-null bar has been identified
myAMA] = Close] * smooth myAMA] * ( smooth );

// regular AMA function for comparison
weeklyAMA AMAClose0.2 );

//restore original time-frame

// plot expanded values retrieved from Weekly frame
PlotTimeFrameExpandmyAMAinWeekly ), "weekly AMA loop"colorRed );
PlotTimeFrameExpandweeklyAMAinWeekly ), "weekly AMA"colorBluestyleDots )

The code above is good for pre-5.90 versions. In version 5.90 we have a new function that counts Nulls for us making the code shorter and clearer, as shown below:

Version5.90 );

PlotClose"Close"colorBlack );

// switch to higher timeframe
TimeFrameSetinWeekly );

smooth 0.2;
myAMA Close;

// new 5.90 function that counts leading Nulls
start NullCountClose );

// looping code
for ( start 1BarCounti++ )
// this part will execute only after the first non-null bar has been identified
myAMA] = Close] * smooth myAMA] * ( smooth );

// regular AMA function for comparison
weeklyAMA AMAClose0.2 );

//restore original time-frame

// plot expanded values retrieved from Weekly frame
PlotTimeFrameExpandmyAMAinWeekly ), "weekly AMA loop"colorRed );
PlotTimeFrameExpandweeklyAMAinWeekly ), "weekly AMA"colorBluestyleDots )

How to display indicator values in the backtest trade list

Backtesting engine in AmiBroker allows to add custom metrics to the report, both in the summary report and in the trade list. This is possible with Custom Backtester Interface, which allows to modify the execution of portfolio-level phase of the test and (among many other features) adjust report generation.

Due to the fact that the report generation occurs in 2nd phase of the test, when the backtester works on ~~~EQUITY ticker, we can not refer directly to given indicators. For example, to display ATR values – calling ATR() function directly is not enough, because we want to see ATR values of the traded symbol, while in portfolio-phase of the test we are no longer working on that symbol’s quotes.

So, we need to:

  1. store the values of indicators in static variables in the 1st phase of the test (when individual symbols are processed). This can be done with static variables, creating separate static variable for each symbol
  2. read stored values once the backtester reaches the portfolio phase of the test.

The following formula shows how this can be coded. The formula below displays the value of ATR indicator for the entry bar of given trade:

SetCustomBacktestProc"" );

if ( 
Status"action" ) == actionPortfolio )
bo GetBacktesterObject();
// run default backtest procedure without generating the trade list
bo.BacktestTrue );

// iterate through closed trades
for ( trade bo.GetFirstTrade( ); tradetrade bo.GetNextTrade( ) )
// read ATR values and display as custom metric
symbolATR StaticVarGettrade.Symbol "ATR" );
trade.AddCustomMetric"Entry ATR"LookupsymbolATRtrade.EntryDateTime ) );

// iterate through open positions
for ( trade bo.GetFirstOpenPos( ); tradetrade bo.GetNextOpenPos( ) )
// read ATR values and display as custom metric
symbolATR StaticVarGettrade.Symbol "ATR" );
trade.AddCustomMetric"Entry ATR"LookupsymbolATRtrade.EntryDateTime ) );

// generate trade list
bo.ListTrades( );

// your trading system here
Buy CrossMACD(), Signal() );
Sell CrossSignal(), MACD() );

// assign indicator values to ticker-specific variables
StaticVarSetName() + "ATR"ATR15 ) )

How to plot daily High and Low on intraday chart

The AFL offers a set of time-frame functions which allow to use multiple intervals within a single formula (the topic is explained in details in the following tutorial chapter:

In situations, where we do not need to calculate any indicators based on higher interval data, but rather just read OHLC, V or OI arrays – TimeFrameGetPrice is the most convenient function to use.

To plot daily High and Low levels we just need to read the respective arrays calling: TimeFrameGetPrice(“H”, inDaily ) – the first argument specifies the array we want to read, the second argument defines the interval we are reading data from. As with any other TimeFrame functions – we can only read data from higher intervals, so it is possible to read daily data when we work with 1-minute quotes, but not the other way round.

Here is a sample formula which draws daily high and low in the intraday chart:

PlotClose"Close"colorDefaultstyleBar );
PlotTimeFrameGetPrice("H"inDaily ), "day high"colorGreenstyleStaircase styleThick);
PlotTimeFrameGetPrice("L"inDaily ), "day low"colorRedstyleStaircase styleThick)

TimeFrameGetPrice() functions allow also to easily shift the reading by N-bars of the higher interval if we specify that in 3rd argument of the function, so calling TimeFrameGetPrice( “H”, inDaily, -1 ) will return the high of previous day.

The following code draws high / low of previous day on top of the intraday chart:

PlotClose"Close"colorDefaultstyleBar );
hlstyle styleStaircase styleThick;
PlotTimeFrameGetPrice"H"inDaily, -), "Prev High"colorGreenhlstyle );
PlotTimeFrameGetPrice"L"inDaily, -), "Prev Low"colorRedhlstyle )

Daily H-L

How to export quotes to separate text files per symbol

The following KB article: already explained how to use exploration to export quotes into a single text / CSV file.

If, for some reason, we need individual files for each symbol, AmiBroker offers another way of writing data to text files. This can be achieved by using fputs function that would write directly to external files. Using fputs allows us also to fully control formatting of the output data and file naming can be dynamically set based on Name() function output.

To perform the export procedure, we need to run a Scan over the list of symbols we want to export data for.

In the Analysis->Formula Editor please enter the following code:

// create folder for exporting purposes
fmkdir"C:\\DataExport\\" );

// open file for writing
// file name depends on currently processed ticker
fh fopen"c:\\DataExport\\" Name() + ".txt""w" );

// proceed if file handle is correct
if ( fh )
dt DateTime();

// write header line
fputs"Ticker,Date/Time,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume\n"fh );

// iterate through all the bars

for ( 0BarCounti++ )
// write ticker name
fputsName() + "," fh );

// write date/time information
fputsDateTimeToStrdt] ) + ","fh );

//write quotations and go to the next line
qs StrFormat"%g,%g,%g,%g,%g\n"O], H], L], C], V] );
fputsqsfh );

// close file handle
fclosefh );
// line required by SCAN option
Buy 0

Now please select Tools->Send to Analysis, select the list of symbols (e.g. Apply To: Filter, pick the watchlist in the Filter dialog), set Range to All Quotations, and press Scan

How to add exploration results to a watchlist

In order to add analysis results to a selected watchlist manually, we can use context menu from the results list:

Add results to watch list

There is, however, a way to automate this process and add the symbols to a watchlist directly from the code. To do so, we need to:
– check if our Filter variable was true at least once in the tested Analysis range
– based on the above condition, use CategoryAddSymbol() function to add tickers to a watchlist.

Additionally, we can erase the watchlist at the beginning of the test if we want to store just the new results.

The code below shows how to implement this procedure in AFL.

listnum 10// we use watchlist 10 for storing results

// erase the watchlist when we process very first symbol
if ( Status"stocknum" ) == )
// retrieve watchlist members
oldlist CategoryGetSymbolscategoryWatchlistlistnum );

// iterate through the list and remove tickers
for ( 0; ( sym StrExtractoldlist) ) != ""i++ )
CategoryRemoveSymbolsymcategoryWatchlistlistnum );

// sample exploration code
Filter ROCClose) > AND Volume 1000000;
AddColumnClose"Close" );
AddColumnROCClose), "ROC" );
AddColumnVolume"Volume" );

// check how many times Filter variable was true in the tested range
// if non-zero value detected, add current symbol to a watchlist
if ( LastValueCumFilter AND Status"barinrange" ) ) )  )
CategoryAddSymbol""categoryWatchlistlistnum )
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