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How to convert from bar-value to pixel co-ordinates

NOTE: This article describes old method of using bar/value coordinates. New code should use GfxSetCoordsMode which allows you to use bar/value without any extra calculations.

Sometimes when using low-level graphics functions it is needed to convert from bar number to pixel X co-ordinate and from price level to pixel Y co-ordinate. Converting between them needs knowing visible bar range, Y-axis value range and pixel dimensions of drawing area. Once these params are known it is just a matter of performing simple scale transformation. The code example below shows how to do that.

function GetVisibleBarCount()
lvb Status("lastvisiblebar");
fvb Status("firstvisiblebar"); 

MinLvb fvbBarCount fvb );

GfxConvertBarToPixelXbar )
lvb Status("lastvisiblebar");
fvb Status("firstvisiblebar");
pxchartleft Status("pxchartleft");
pxchartwidth Status("pxchartwidth"); 

pxchartleft bar  pxchartwidth / ( Lvb fvb );

GfxConvertValueToPixelYValue )
local MinyMaxypxchartbottompxchartheight

Miny Status("axisminy");
Maxy Status("axismaxy"); 

pxchartbottom Status("pxchartbottom");
pxchartheight Status("pxchartheight"); 

pxchartbottom floor0.5 + ( Value Miny ) * pxchartheight/ ( Maxy Miny ) );

Plot(C"Price"colorBlackstyleHistogram ); 

GfxSelectSolidBrushcolorRed );
GfxSelectPencolorRed ); 

AllVisibleBars GetVisibleBarCount();
fvb Status("firstvisiblebar"); 

0AllVisibleBars i++ ) 

GfxConvertValueToPixelYCfvb ] ); 


RequestTimedRefresh(1); // ensure 1 sec refres

Note that when chart scale changes, it will usually require one extra refresh to get low-level graphics alignment to new scale. That’s why we added RequestTimedRefresh call at the end.